Sunday, April 3, 2016

Vexing Virus Protection

Hello reader!  Welcome to my week 3 post.

To stay on track with general computer/network security, this week I'll be talking about virus protection.  Although Windows comes with the built-in Windows Defender, there are companies whose sole purpose is the development of antivirus and security software.

I'd like to take a moment to add a disclaimer here...I am not recommending for you to use any specific product.  What I am recommending you do is this...research your options, and decide for yourself what product fits your needs.

So, with so many products to choose from, where do you start?  There have already been several reviews for the best product of 2016.  Those links are below and a great place to start.

There are a variety of free and subscription based software to fill your security needs.  But here's the kicker...just installing it isn't enough.  You need to update the software frequently, at least once a week.  Also, you should be scanning your system on a scheduled basis just in case something slips by the active defense.

While malicious software still has the potential of getting past antivirus (most likely because of a previously unknown threat), not having any protective software installed opens you to everything!  Imagine your home without locked doors (or doors at all) to keep people out.  Honest people wouldn't dare enter without your knowledge, but the world isn't filled with only honest people.

Hopefully, this information nothing you will need.  This isn't groundbreaking, but unfortunately, I think too many people use the free 6-month trial version of software they get with their new PC and don't want to pay to renew it, so they use the outdated signatures and call it good.

Friends don't let friends surf the Internet without protection...get some antivirus!,review-2588.html,2817,2372364,00.asp - Paid Antivirus List,2817,2388652,00.asp - Free Antivirus List

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