Sunday, May 29, 2016

Annoying Ask-Agains

Hello reader!  Ready for my Week 11 post?  Are you sure?  Are you sure you're sure?

That was fun, right?  Right?  Right.

You hate the dreaded Windows "Are you sure" boxes, and I'm sure you equally hate the "This programs wants to access your system, will you let it?" boxes too.  Guess what, those are actually a good thing!

Have you ever accidentally deleted an important file, or clicked no too quickly on for something you meant to click yes for?  Of course you have, you're a person with a computer.  Don't be offended, I've done it more than you.

When the operating system asks you if you're sure about an action, it's not trying to be a jerk (contrary to common belief).  It is making sure you meant to do it and keep you safe all at the same time.

Most of the time when you are asked if you want to let so-and-so program run, it's because you asked it to run.  But, what if you didn't ask it to run?  Wouldn't you want the OS to keep you safe and not run a random malicious software you accidentally downloaded along with the latest bootleg of Civil War?  (I'm looking at you Henry, be ashamed)

As annoying as it might be, those pop-ups from Windows are there to keep your system and your information safe.  If random malware was able to run, you would blame Microsoft for not protecting your dirty Internet activity.  Instead, you curse them for making it too difficult to navigate and execute peacefully.

But I digest...digress...something like that.

Thanks for reading for the past few months.  Looking at what is due next week, I probably won't post for a little bit.  However, if you really like to read my randomness all that much, post a comment!  I'm here to support you and will be happy to keep going if you want me least until my next class requires it.  Again, thank you for the support.  Stay safe on the Internet, it's a dangerous place!


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