Sunday, May 22, 2016

Eerie Emergency Prep

Hey reader!  Welcome back to Week 10!

A few weeks ago we talked about backing up your system.  If you don't remember, here is the link:

However, there is more to preparing for an emergency than backing up your system.  If something were to happen in your home, how would you know what to do to get your computer(s) up and running again?

Having a plan, sharing it with your family, and updating it regularly are necessary parts of an emergency action plan.  Another step is exercising the plan.  Simulating a loss of data integrity or availability and following your plans' checklist is a great way to make sure you haven't missed anything.

Some of the things you want to consider in your network emergency plan include (but are not limited to):
- reactions to specific events, such as discovered malware or hardware failure
- checklists covering broad responses as well as specific events with special actions
- notification lists, i.e. call Dad if..., or call police if...

Thinking of situations, or pulling crazy ideas from TV or movies is a great way to think about what your reactions would be in a variety of situations.

Thanks for reading!  See you next week.

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